The Asian Racing Federation Council on Anti-Illegal Betting & Related Financial Crime aims to foster and enhance international cooperation among horse racing operators, regulators, intergovernmental organisations and government agencies in order to better combat the threat of illegal betting and other financial crimes to horse racing integrity in particular, and sport in general.
Martin Purbrick
Martin Purbrick has over 30 years of experience leading integrity and risk management, and is the former Director of Security and Integrity at The Hong Kong Jockey Club. He is also a former Royal Hong Kong Police officer whose service included Special Branch engaged in counter-terrorism as well as the Criminal Intelligence Bureau in anti-triad intelligence.
Deputy Chairperson
Douglas Robinson
Douglas Robinson is the Executive Manager of Due Diligence and Research at The Hong Kong Jockey Club. His main responsibility is to look to mitigate illegal betting and sports corruption-related integrity risks to the Club. He has worked across a variety of industries in the UK as well as Hong Kong.
Council Members
Jack Anderson
Jack Anderson is Special Counsel in Integrity Regulation at Racing Victoria. Prior to that he was a Professor and the Director of Sports Law Studies at the University of Melbourne with a primary research interest in the relationship between sport and the law and he has published widely in related areas.
Graham Ashton
Graham Ashton is the Former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police. As Chief Commissioner, Mr. Ashton was the key driver in setting up Victoria Police’s Sporting Integrity Unit, which was the first law enforcement unit anywhere dedicated to combatting match-fixing and is regarded as the leading police sports integrity unit in the world.
Tom Chignell
Mr. Chignell has over 18 years of experience working in sports integrity. He specializes in implementing systems and processes to detect suspicious betting across regulated and illegal markets and producing analytical reports. These reports have successfully been used on multiple occasions as evidence in sports betting and corruption cases and have also been used by the UK Police and government agencies.
Steve Cornelius
Steve Cornelius is a member of the Independent Doping Hearing Panel of the South African Institute for Drug-free Sport, and an Independent director on the board of Cricket South Africa. Previously, he served on the Disciplinary Tribunal of the International Association of Athletics Federations.
Brant Dunshea
Brant Dunshea is the Chief Regulatory Officer of the British Horseracing Authority with oversight of all regulatory and integrity functions of British Racing. He has over 25 years of experience in racing and sports regulation in Australia and Britain.
Luca Esposito
Mr. Luca Esposito is General Secretary, United Lotteries for Integrity in Sport (formerly Global Lottery Monitoring System) and Executive Director, World Lottery Association and has extensive knowledge and experience of technology in betting. Luca has significant insight into how IT is utilized by betting operators across wide geographies to focus on combating illegal betting through the WLA and GLMS.
Brent Fisher
Brent Fisher is the General Manager Investigations & Intelligence for Racing Victoria since January 2022 and was previously the General Manager Integrity for Harness Racing Victoria from 2017 to 2021 and prior to that with Victoria Police. Brent will represent both Racing Australia as well as Racing Victoria.
Sally Gainsbury
Dr. Sally Gainsbury is Professor in the School of Psychology, Leader of the Technology Addiction Team within the Brain and Mind Centre at the University of Sydney and Director of Australia’s only university-affiliated gambling treatment clinic. Her widely published research focuses on how to minimise gambling harms including prevention and treatment of gambling problems and strategies to assist people to reduce risky gambling online and offline.
Neil Grimstone
Neil Grimstone is a former Detective Senior Sergeant in the New Zealand Police with 28 years of service. He has considerable experience in complex racing and sports integrity investigations.
Cliodhna Guy
Cliodhna has a career of over 15 years in sports administration and regulation. She has been in her racing role for over five years and had prior sports administration roles with the International Boxing Association, the Football Association of Ireland, and the Paralympic Council of Ireland as well as being a Doping Control Officer.
Kim Kelly
Kim Kelly was a Stipendiary Steward of the Hong Kong Jockey Club from 2002, and Chief Stipendiary Steward from 2009 until his retirement from that role in 2022. After leaving the HKJC he has continued to work with the Asian Racing Federation as well as the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities. Kim is one of the most respected Stipendiary Stewards in the world of horse racing with significant insight into the broad range of integrity management systems and structures in international horse racing.
John Langdale
Dr. Langdale is an expert on transnational crime and financial crime. He has written in the past several years about what has been termed the “Vancouver model" which describes complex cross border criminal enterprises. He has significant insight into international money laundering, transnational organised crime, and the related illegal betting.
Claudio Marinelli
Claudio Marinelli is seconded to INTERPOL’s Financial Crimes and Anti-Corruption Centre from Italian Economic and Financial Police (Guardia di Finanza). Mr. Marinelli has been instrumental in leading the work of the INTERPOL Match Fixing TaskForce since the creation of this initiative and coordinate law enforcementefforts within INTERPOL’s programs on Integrity in Sport.
Aahna Mehrotra
Aahna Mehrotra is the Vice Chairperson on India’s National Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel and is a member of the Arbitrational Tribunal constituted by Football Delhi. She regularly advises clients on matters relating to league formulation, transfer of players, sponsorship and merchandising agreements, gaming and betting laws, fantasy sports and contract law. She has been instrumental in setting up some of the major franchise-based leagues, both, in India and abroad and has also worked with several sports start-ups.
James Ogilvy
James Ogilvy is the Executive Manager, International and Racing Regulation at The Hong Kong Jockey Club, and has deep experience in racing integrity and legal issues.
Ronan O'Laoire
Ronan O’Laoire leads the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime’s Programme on Safeguarding Sport from Corruption and Crime, which supports governments, sports organizations and relevant stakeholders through delivering technical assistance, building capacity and networks and conducting research and analysis.
Catherine Ordway
Catherine Ordway is Associate Professor (Sports Management) at the University of Canberra. She lectures in Sports Integrity, Ethics & Law and Leadership in Sport. She is an international expert in the field of integrity in sports, and has specialised in anti-doping policy for more than twenty years. Catherine has published on sports integrity, governance and gender equality issues and is a sought-after media commentator and conference presenter.
Michael Phelan
Mr. Michael Phelan is a former CEO of the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC), one of the most senior former law enforcement officers in Australia. His appointment to ACIC and AIC followed a more than 35-year career in law enforcement, including service as Chief Police Officer of ACT Policing and Deputy Commissioner for National Security at the Australian Federal Police. Michael is a lifelong fan of horse racing, and brings great knowledge of the sport as well as his exceptional expertise from law enforcement.
Tim Robinson
Tim Robinson is the Executive Manager of Racing Security and Integrity Assurance at the HKJC. Mr. Robinson and has extensive background in sport integrity and administration, law enforcement, security, risk and emergency management.
Tak Sung-hyun
Tak Sung-hyun is the General Manager of Responsible Betting, Korea Racing Authority (KRA). He has been taking various positions including racing and business strategy since he joined in 1993.
Pim Verschuuren
Pim Verschuuren is a co-author of two reports on Sports betting, corruption and Money laundering and has experience running a European Commission program of seminars in 23 EU countries to raise awareness among national sports administrators on the threat of match-fixing. He directed the ‘Preventing criminal risks linked to the sports betting market’ project, focused on the integrity of betting markets.
Jason Whybrow
Jason has extensive experience across a range of sport integrity areas. His earlier career was in horse racing as a Racing New South Wales stipendiary steward from 1998 to 2008, and he continues to be active as a part-time steward. In his current role at Sport Integrity Australia, Jason is engaged in policy development for sport integrity issues including sports wagering and competition manipulation and related evolving threats to sport.
Research Head
James Porteous
James Porteous is the Senior Due Diligence & Research Manager at The Hong Kong Jockey Club. His team conducts researches into global illegal betting markets, their links to transnational organised crime and their negative impacts on society. Prior to joining the HKJC he was a journalist with the Herald in Glasgow, Scotland and the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong.